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Trello Shortcuts

18 Min Read

Shortcuts to make your Trello life easier

Trello comment section shortcuts

  • Use the arrows to navigate your lists, cards and more.
  • Square brackets < > move cards between lists.
  • Press enter to open a card.
  • B is for the board menu: Create, search or create star boards from the board menu on the left.
  • W… What’s going on? View your activity in the dashboard menu on the right.
  • For slash / search: Find information quickly with focus search.
  • F is for filter: Search cards by term, tag, member or due date.
  • Q is for quick filtering: See your assigned cards.

You can become a Trello Expert by accessing the detailed Trello help page here .



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Trello Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts

↓ / J↑ / K

Pressing the arrow keys selects neighboring cards. Pressing the “J” key selects the card below the current card. Pressing the “K” key selects the card above the current card.

Browse card backs

← / K→ / J

Pressing the left and right arrow keys opens adjacent cards in a list. Pressing the “j” key or the right arrow opens the card below the current card. Pressing the “k” key or the left arrow unlocks the card above the current card.

Toggle sidebar


Pressing “[” will open and close the navigation sidebar menu of the dashboards.

Toggle Clipboard Menu

W / ]

Pressing “w” or “]” opens or closes the clipboard menu in the sidebar on the right.

Open Admin Dashboards Menu


Pressing “b” allows you to quickly search for boards. Navigate the search results with the up and down arrows. Pressing enter while a clipboard is selected opens the clipboard.


Pressing the “/” key takes the cursor to the search box in the header.

Archive Card


The “c” key archives the card.

End Date


The “d” key opens the card expiry date view.

Add Checklist

Pressing the “-” key adds a to-do list to a card.


Add a copied link using the “Control/Command + V” keys while viewing a card.

Quick Edit Mode


Pressing the “E” key while on a card opens the quick edit mode for you to edit the card title and other card properties.

Close Menu / Cancel Edit


Pressing the “ESC” key closes an open dialog or window, or cancels edits and unposted comments.

Save Text


Pressing Control + Enter (Windows) or Command + Enter (Mac) will save any text you type. This feature works when writing or editing comments, editing card title, list title, description, and more.

Open Card


When you press the “Enter” key, the selected card opens. When adding a new card, press “Shift + Enter” and it will open after the card is created.

Open Card Filter Menu


Use the “f” key to open the card filter. The search box will open automatically.



Pressing the “L” key opens a list of available tags. Clicking a tag adds or removes that tag from the card.

Pressing one of the number keys adds or removes the label on that number key.

KeyLabel Color

Change Tag Names


Semicolon “;” Pressing the key will show or hide names in a clipboard. You can also click on any label in a clipboard to change this.

Add / Delete Members


Pressing the “M” key opens the add/remove members menu. Clicking on a member’s profile picture assigns or unassigns the card to that person.

Add New Card


Pressing the “n” key opens a window for you to add cards just after the selected card or to an empty list.

Create new card with text


While in a clipboard, create a new card with a copied link or text using the “Control/Command + V” keys.

Move Card to Side List


“,” or “.” When the mark is pressed, the card is moved to the bottom of the left or right adjacent list. Pressing the greater than or less than signs (< and >) moves the card to the top of the adjacent left or right list.

My Card Filters


Pressing the “Q” key toggles the “cards assigned to me” filter.



You can follow or unfollow the card by pressing the “S” key. When you follow the card, you will be notified about the transactions related to the card.

Assign to Yourself


The “space” key adds (or removes) you to this card.

Edit Title


While viewing a card, pressing the “T” key changes the title. If you are on a card, pressing the “T” key displays the card and changes its title.



Pressing the “V” key allows you to vote (or unvote) a card while the Voting Power-up is active.

Remove Filter


Use the “x” key to clear all card filters.

Open Shortcuts Page


“?” When you press the key, the shortcuts page opens.

Autocomplete Members


When adding a comment, you can get a list of members matching your search by entering “@” and a member name, username or initials of the member. You can navigate the list with the up and down arrow keys. Pressing enter or tab allows you to mention that user in your comment. A notification is sent when said user comments are added.

When adding a new card, you can assign cards to members before adding them using the same method.

AutoComplete Tags


When adding a new card, you can get a list of tags matching your search by entering “#” and a list color or title. You can navigate the list with the up and down arrow keys. Pressing enter or tab allows you to add the tag to the created card. Tags are added to the card as you add it.

Auto Complete Position


When adding a new card, you can enter “^” and a list name or a position in the list. You can add “top” or “bottom” to the beginning or end of the current list. You can navigate the list with the up and down arrow keys. Pressing enter or tab will automatically change the position of the created card.

Copy Card

Command/ControlC / V

If you press Control + C (Windows) or Command + C (Mac) while hovering over a card, the card will be copied to your temporary clipboard. Pressing Control + V (Windows) or Command + V (Mac) while on a list copies the card to the list. This also works across different boards.

Move Card

Command/ControlX / V

If you hover over a card and press Control + X (Windows) or Command + X (Mac), the card will be copied to your temporary clipboard. Pressing Control + V (Windows) or Command + V (Mac) while on a list moves the card to the list. This also works across different boards.

Undo Transaction


Pressing the “Z” key undoes your last action on a card.

Redo Action


Pressing “Shift + Z” after undoing an action will redo the last undone action.

Repeat Operation


Pressing the “R” key while viewing or navigating a card repeats your last action on a different card.

pan sideways


To scroll left and right on a board, hold down the “Shift” key while scrolling with your mouse.

Trello Description Formatting

Trello uses Markdown for formatting. Here are the basic items. View the entire syntax  .

First Level TitleÇırpılmış Yumurta Yapmak: El Kitabı

Second Level Title1.1: Hazırlık

paragraphsYeni bir paragraf için 2 satır ekleyin. Kaseye 2 yumurta kırın ve çırpın.

Thick**Dikkatli bir şekilde** yumurtaları kırın.

ImportanceYumurtaları çırpın *kuvvetlice*.


- Yumurtalar
- *İsteğe Bağlı:* süt

LinksYemek tarifinin PDF versiyonunu indirmek için [buraya tıklayınız](

Images![Hazırlanmış Yemek](

Keyboard shortcut Trello

Before pressing the special hotkey (card), mouse over the card to select it.
Select the left card
Choose the right card
Select the card above
Select the card below
kSelect the card above
jSelect the card below
to enteropen card
EscClose the card
¹nA comment dialog (popover) to add a new card
@ (Shift + 2)Select members from the autocomplete list when creating cards
# (Shift + 3)Select tags from the autocomplete list when creating the card
^ (Shift + 6)Choose to list names or locations from autocomplete when creating card
^ topBrings the card to the top of the list when creating a card
^ altMove the card to the bottom of the list when creating a card
Shift + EnterOpen the card immediately after creating it
eEnter quick card issuance mode
lOpen the Tags annotation menu for the card
1green label
2yellow label
3orange label
4red tag
5Mother label
6blue label
; (Dotted)Toggle display of tag names in all tables
, (comma)Move the card to the bottom of the list on the left
. (Dot)Move the card to the bottom of the list on the right
 Move the card to the top of the list on the left
> (Shift +.)Move the card to the top of the list on the right
aOpen the Members annotation menu for the card
mOpen the Members annotation menu for the card
spacebarAdd/remove yourself from the card
dOpen the card’s expiration date picker
cCard storage
qSee the cards assigned to you on the board
tEdit tag title (rename tag)
sView / uncheck card view
vAdd/remove voting cards when activating Vote Opening
²Ctrl + xCopy the tag link or tag you want to move
²Ctrl + cCopy the tag link or tag you want to duplicate
²Ctrl + vPaste the tag link or paste the card on any card to move or copy
xClear all active card filters
bOpen the Boards menu (the title menu where the tables are listed)
wEnable/disable the table menu (sidebar menu appears)
fFocus on the Calling Cards box (card filter menu) in the sidebar
³EscClose the menu or cancel editing
? (Shift + ⁄)Open the shortcuts page
Search for events The search filter returns matching tags in all tables (you can also use this filter to search for specific tables)
/Bring up the search box
member: PersonTag relevant people
@PersonTag relevant people
@metag for you
label: Label_NameAdd Label_Name tag for label
etiket: Label_ColorLabel the Label_Color tags
tahta: Board_NameOpen the board in the Board_Name board
list: List_NameTags are in List_Name in each table
name: keywordstags keywords tags in names
description: keywordsTags with keywords in their description
checklist: keywordsTags with keywords in the checklist name or content
comment: keywordsTags with keywords in the comment
is: starryOpen the card on the starboard
: openOpen or activate the card
is: archivedOpen the archive card
There are: attachmentsCard attachment file
there is: descriptioncaption label
has: coverflip card
are: membersMember assigned card
are: stickerslabel sticker
due: daysCard expires in the next 24 days
due: weekCard expires in the next 7 days
due date: monthCard expires in the next 28 days
overdue: overdueCard has expired
time: completedCard has not expired
due: missingExpired card marked as complete
created: dayCards created in the last 24 hours
created: weekCards created in the last 7 days
created: monthCards created in the last 28 days
created: XCards created in X days
edited: dayCards issued in the last 24 hours
edited: weekCards issued in the last 7 days
edited: monthCards issued in the last 28 days
edited: XCards issued in the last X days
Ortsort: createdSort tags by creation date
Ortsort: editedCategorize cards by revision date
Ortsort: dueSort cards by expiration date
-OperatorRemove results matching the event
Syntax Markdown – I
handles description tags, comments, checklist, and Trello bio
** text **Highlight content by making the text bold
* text *italic text
~~ text ~~Strike-through
[Anchor_Text] [URL]create a bridge
`text`Add inline code
textRemove Markup for text
[Alt_Text] (/yol//img.jpg)embed photos
Syntax Markdown – II
Tags for handling comments and comments
Adding lines horizontally
” text “Add formatted code
> textIndent text or add block quotes
#textH1 format for title
## textH2 format for title
### textH2 format for title
H2 format for title
Your Home
Profile settings
Card assigned
Flights to

Trello Top Most Used Shortcuts

  • N is for new: Create a new card.
  • E is for editing: Quickly edit your card.
  • C is for cleaning: Archive a card.
  • Escape… just that! Cancel or close a card.
  • Use the Ctrl/⌘+C and Ctrl/⌘+V keys to copy and paste cards between clipboards.
  • M is for members: Add members to a card.
  • D is for date: Add a due date to a card.
  • S is for spy: Keep an eye on a card by monitoring its activities.
  • T is for title: Edit the card title.
  • L is for label: This opens the label popup. Once you’re here, you can use the number keys (0-9) to assign label colors to a card.
  • use semicolons; to show and hide tag names
  • Use the # hash to connect to any card. Just start typing the name of the card after the # symbol.
  • To mention a team member, use the @ symbol followed by the username.
  • Use the dash – sign to add a checklist to your card.
  • Use the Ctrl/⌘+Enter keys to save your edits.
  • Press the spacebar to assign yourself to a card.
  • Ctrl/⌘+Enter to send an email after you finish typing.
  • Escape to cancel Close the email and return to the card.
  • Use # to bring up the autocomplete search of your Saved Answers.
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